Universe of Arlandia : Crafting table                
10 hit points food              
AC+1 mithril item              
AC+2 mithril 3 item              
AC+3 mithril 4 item              
Acid flask belly tin lead mika            
Airship iron wood 4 adamantine 3 iron wood 4 mithril 3            
Alchemist fire belly shosho coal 2 lead            
Ale empty bottle strawberry 2              
Amulet gold silver              
Arrow shaft feathers nail medium feathers 2 scale 2 feathers 2 soft wood          
Arrows arrow shaft              
Arrows+1 arrow shaft ironwood              
Arrows+2 arrow shaft ironwood 2              
Arrows+3 arrow shaft ironwood 3              
Arrows acid arrow shaft acid flask              
Arrows fire arrow shaft alchemist fire              
Arrows ice arrow shaft coldstone              
Arrows lightning arrow shaft thunderstone              
Arrows piercing arrow shaft knuckle 3              
Arrows poison arrow shaft poison 3              
Attack+1 crystal item              
Attack+2 crystal 3 item              
Attack+3 crystal 4 item              
Bag bolt of cloth 3 herbivore skin bolt of cloth 3 nail 3            
Banded mail lead 2 steel              
Bastard sword mercury 2 steel              
Battle axe mercury copper              
Bedroll bolt of cloth 3 bolt of cloth bear skin bolt of cloth 2 hair 3 bolt of cloth 2 herbivore skin bolt of cloth wolf skin 2 hair 3 herbivore skin    
Belt herbivore skin silver              
Bolt of cloth wild cotton 2 arabano plant common wild cotton nail 2          
Bolt shaft feathers nail medium 2 feathers scale 3 feathers 2 strong wood          
Bolts bolt shaft              
Bolts+1 bolt shaft ironwood              
Bolts+2 bolt shaft ironwood 2              
Bolts+3 bolt shaft ironwood 3              
Bolts fire bolt shaft alchemist fire              
Bolts frost bolt shaft coldstone              
Bolts lightning bolt shaft thunderstone              
Bolts piercing bolt shaft knuckle 3              
Bolts paralytic bolt shaft mummy strip              
Bolts poison bolt shaft poison 3              
Bolts teleportation bolt shaft elhuin 2              
Bonus feat globe of fire 4 item              
Bonus skill quartz 4 item              
Book soft wood soft wood 2              
Boots herbivore skin 3 herbivore skin 2 nail 3            
Box basic wood 2 herbivore skin 2 basic wood 2 scale 3            
Box precious adamantine box gold box nail huge 2 box mithril box silver 2 box      
Bracer lead silver              
Bread plant common 2              
Breastplate mercury 2 lead              
Bullets coal copper stone          
Bullets+1 stone ironwood              
Bullets+2 stone ironwood 2              
Bullets+3 stone ironwood 3              
Bullets fire stone alchemist fire              
Bullets ice stone coldstone              
Bullets lightning iron knuckle 3              
Bullets screaming stone zombie flesh              
Calltrops iron lead iron stone scale 3          
Cannon mercury 2 steel 2              
Cannon bullets explosive powder steel 2              
Chain shirt lead steel              
Chainmail lead steel 2              
Charisma+1 globe of air 2 item              
Charisma+2 globe of air 3 item              
Charisma+3 globe of air 4 item              
Choking powder plant common lead plant common stone            
Cloak bolt of cloth 3 herbivore skin 2              
Clothes bear skin carnivore skin feline skin 2 feline skin animal skin 2 herbivore skin animal skin 3 feline skin wolf skin wolf skin 3  
Club basic wood bone            
Coldstone iron 2 lead iron 2 stone            
Constitution+1 platine item              
Constitution+2 platine 3 item              
Constitution+3 platine 4 item              
Copper ring copper crystal              
Dagger mercury steel nail medium 2 steel            
Damage reduction +1 dragon blood item              
Damage reduction +2 dragon blood 2 item              
Damage reduction +3 dragon blood 3 item              
Damage+1 steel item              
Damage+2 mercury 2 item              
Damage1d4 mercury 3 item              
Damage1d6 mercury 4 item              
Dart coal basic wood 2 coal nail 4 copper scale 3          
Dexterity+1 Diamondine item              
Dexterity+2 Diamondine 2 item              
Dexterity+3 Diamondine 3 item              
Dire mace iron 3 strong wood              
Domain iron 4 strong wood 4              
Double axe steel 3 strong wood              
Dwarven waraxe mercury steel 2              
Empty barrel soft wood 2 strong wood 2              
Empty bottle tin              
Enhancement+1 adamantine item              
Enhancement+2 adamantine 3 item              
Enhancement+2 adamantine 4 item              
Explosive barrel empty barrel explosive powder              
Explosive powder coal belly coal 3            
Fighter helmet tin 2 nail 3 tin 2 sand            
Fire lit basic wood 3 coal basic wood coal bolt of cloth coal coal 2 coal hair 3 coal soft wood    
Fortitude+1 rainbow 2 item              
Fortitude+2 rainbow 3 item              
Fortitude+3 rainbow 4 item              
Full plate lead 2 steel 4              
Gauntlet herbivore skin 2 lead 2              
Gauntlet of gathering animal skin herbivore skin            
Gold pieces copper 2 gold              
Gold ring gold crystal              
Greataxe mercury copper 2              
Greatsword mercury steel 3              
Halberd iron 2 strong wood              
Half plate lead 2 steel 3              
Handaxe basic wood mercury              
Healing kit+1 hino bolt of cloth hino nail 4            
Healing kit+3 hino 2 bolt of cloth hino 2 nail 4            
Healing kit+6 hino 3 bolt of cloth hino 3 nail 4            
Heavy crossbow strong wood strong wood 2              
Heavy flail basic wood 2 iron 2              
Hide armor bolt of cloth 2 iron 2              
Holy water globe of water              
Hood animal skin 2              
Horse hair helmet iron feathers iron nail 2            
Immunity fusion lava 4 item              
Intelligence+1 globe of earth 2 item              
Intelligence+2 globe of earth 3 item              
Intelligence+3 globe of earth 4 item              
Kama soft wood tin              
Katana steel 3              
Kukri strong wood tin              
Large shield basic wood 2 soft wood basic wood 2 strong wood scale 3 strong wood          
Leather armor herbivore skin 2 bolt of cloth herbivore skin 2 wolf skin            
Light crossbow basic wood strong wood 2              
Light flail basic wood iron 2              
Light hammer iron soft wood              
Longbow soft wood 2 soft wood 3              
Longsword mercury 2 steel 2              
Mace basic wood iron              
Magic bag diamondine bag              
Magical flask empty bottle mana              
Morningstar iron strong wood              
Padded armor bolt of cloth herbivore skin              
Paladin helmet tin feathers tin nail 2            
Pemican ear belly ear 3 ear 4            
Poison gland              
Pot helmet tin 2              
Potion aid magical flask sokol 2              
Potion antidote magical flask hino 2              
Potion barskin magical flask barbazun 2              
Potion bless magical flask hair 3              
Potion bull's strength magical flask soft wood 2              
Potion cat's grace magical flask strong wood              
Potion clarity magical flask iron 2              
Potion cure critical wounds magical flask thunderstone 2              
Potion cure light wounds magical flask poison              
Potion cure moderate wounds magical flask coldstone              
Potion cure serious wounds magical flask choking powder 2              
Potion death armor magical flask ear 4              
Potion eagle's splendor magical flask strong wood 2              
Potion endurance magical flask basic wood 2              
Potion endure elements magical flask lead              
Potion fox's cunning magical flask basic wood              
Potion ghostly visage magical flask coal              
Potion haste magical flask powder magical flask heart            
Potion heal magical flask elhuin 2              
Potion identify magical flask iron              
Potion invisibility magical flask copper              
Potion ironguts magical flask tin              
Potion lesser restoration magical flask knuckle 2              
Potion Lore magical flask mercury 2              
Potion mage armor magical flask stone              
Potion neutralize poison magical flask poison 2              
Potion owl's wisdom magical flask soft wood              
Potion prayer magical flask lead 2              
Potion remove disease magical flask poison 3              
Potion resist elements magical flask coal 2              
Potion restoration magical flask knuckle 3              
Potion speed magical flask feathers 3              
Potion stoneskin magical flask stone 2              
Priest robe barbazun bolt of cloth              
Purple dragon helmet tin 2 mercury tin 2 nail medium            
Quality horn 3 item              
Quarterstaff basic wood 2              
Rapier mercury 3              
Reflex+1 copper item              
Reflex+2 copper 2 item              
Reflex+3 copper 3 item              
Repair Kit strong wood 3 iron 2              
Rope feathers 2 nail 4 feathers 2 wild cotton 2            
Sandwich bread meat              
Scale mail mercury lead              
Scimitar coal steel              
Scroll soft wood 2 coldstone 2 soft wood 2 mana            
Scroll for writing basic wood feathers 2 basic wood nail medium 2            
Scythe strong wood tin 2              
Ship iron wood 4 steel 4              
Shortbow basic wood soft wood 2              
Shortsword mercury steel 2              
Shuriken coal tin iron scale 3            
Sickle basic wood tin 2              
Silver ring silver crystal              
Sling herbivore skin nail 3            
Small shield soft wood strong wood              
Sorcerer robe bolt of cloth mika              
Spear steel              
Spike helmet iron tin 2              
Spirits empty bottle grape 2              
Splint mail mercury lead 2              
Stag helmet basic wood tin 2              
Starship iron wood 4 platine 4              
Steel coal iron              
Strength+1 Diamond item              
Strength+2 Diamond 2 item              
Strength+3 Diamond 3 item              
Studded leather armor herbivore skin 2 bolt of cloth 2 herbivore skin 2 wolf skin 2            
Tangle foot bag plant common bolt of cloth plant common herbivore skin            
Tent (large) strong wood 2 bolt of cloth 3 strong wood 2 carnivore skin 4            
Tent (medium) strong wood 2 bolt of cloth 2 strong wood 2 carnivore skin 3            
Tent (small) strong wood bolt of cloth 2 strong wood carnivore skin 3            
Thieves tools+1 iron hashbushin iron mummy strip            
Thieves tools+3 iron hashbushin 2 iron mummy strip 2            
Thieves tools+6 iron hashbushin 3 iron mummy strip 3            
Throwing axes iron tin              
Thunderstone lead tin stone tin            
Tool axe lead strong wood              
Tool pick steel strong wood              
Tool sickle basic wood tin              
Torch basic wood bolt of cloth basic wood hair 3 soft wood hair 3 strong wood hair 3        
Tower shield lead 2 mercury 2              
Trap acid 1 acid flask any wood acis flask stone            
Trap acid 2 acid flask 2 any wood acid flask 2 stone            
Trap acid 3 acid flask 2 any wood 2 acid flask 2 stone 2            
Trap electrical 1 thunderstone any wood thunderstone stone            
Trap electrical 2 thunderstone 2 any wood thunderstone 2 stone            
Trap electrical 3 thunderstone 2 any wood 2 thunderstone 2 stone 2            
Trap fire 1 alchemist fire any wood alchemist fire stone            
Trap fire 2 alchemist fire 2 any wood alchemist fire 2 stone            
Trap fire 3 alchemist fire 2 any wood 2 alchemist fire 2 stone 2            
Trap frost 1 coldstone any wood coldstone stone            
Trap frost 2 coldstone 2 any wood coldstone 2 stone            
Trap frost 3 coldstone 2 any wood 2 coldstone 2 stone 2            
Trap gas 1 choking powder any wood choking powder stone            
Trap gas 2 choking powder 2 any wood choking powder 2 stone            
Trap gas 3 choking powder 2 any wood 2 choking powder 2 stone 2            
Trap negative energy 1 knuckle any wood knuckle stone            
Trap negative energy 2 knuckle 2 any wood knuckle 2 stone            
Trap negative energy 3 knuckle 2 any wood 2 knuckle 2 stone 2            
Trap spike 1 calltrops any wood calltrops stone            
Trap spike 2 calltrops 2 any wood calltrops 2 stone            
Trap spike 3 calltrops 2 any wood 2 calltrops 2 stone 2            
Trident ironwood steel 3              
Two-bladed sword mercury 3 steel 3              
Underwater mask herbivore skin 3 scale 4 herbivore skin 3 tin 2            
Wand bone 2 coldstone 3 bone 2 mana 2            
Warhammer iron 2 soft wood              
Weight reduction+1 ironwood 2 item nail huge item            
Weight reduction+2 ironwood 3 item nail huge 2 item            
Weight reduction+3 ironwood 4 item nail huge 3 item            
Whip iron rope feathers 2 rope            
Will+1 belvedere 2 item              
Will+2 belvedere 3 item              
Will+3 belvedere 4 item              
Wine empty bottle grape              
Winged helmet steel nail 4 steel tin 2            
Wisdom+1 globe of water 2 item              
Wisdom+2 globe of water 3 item              
Wisdom+3 globe of water 4 item              
Woodman oufit bolt of cloth 2              
Item powers                
Mushroom Atraktkoth Sleep              
Mushroom Entzun Light              
Mushroom Gadnar Remove fear              
Mushroom Kalagkoth Remove paralysis              
Mushroom Kizguth Bless              
Mushroom Roparz Neutralize poison              
Mushroom Samshak Endure elements              
Mushroom Vewyn Cure moderate wounds              
Plant Arabano 10 hit points              
Plant Astrakan Remove disease              
Plant Barbazun Cat's grace Confusion              
Plant Belvedere Protection from elements Poison              
Plant Bouzkashi Bull's strength Feeblemind              
Plant Cajun Protection from evil Inflict light wounds              
Plant Clover Haste Slow              
Plant Common No power              
Plant Cotton No power              
Plant Elhuin Restoration Inflict light wounds              
Plant Hashbushin Heal Inflict moderate wounds              
Plant Hino Cure light wounds Inflict light wounds              
Plant Jinja Fox's cunning Confusion              
Plant Mika Acid fog              
Plant Rainbow Light              
Plant Shosho Firelit              
Plant Sokol Barskin Poison              
Plant Tiaranwe Endurance Inflict light wounds